I have come a long way in the last year. Keep going, and make it all count for something. I have worked through tough problems, enjoyed pleasant moments, discovered new things about myself, my world, and the people I share it with.
Think of how I can now put my passion and experience to work in new, valuable ways. Think of how my life over the past year would appear from the objective viewpoint of another person. I will consider what advice that other person might give for moving forward. Remind myself how fortunate I am to be alive in this Universe of possibilities, and able to make a difference. Take stock of all the good and meaningful aspects of my life. Then, with gratitude and determination, look eagerly ahead. I will polish my treasured dreams and values to a brilliant luster so it can light the way forward. This day has found me on a magnificent journey. I will keep going, keep doing, keep living, keep loving and embrace all the life that’s headed my way.